Long-term Blood Pressure Monitoring
In a long-term blood pressure monitoring, a long-term blood pressure device is attached to the patient, which is worn continuously on the body for about 16 to 24 hours. An automatic blood pressure measurement is performed at intervals of 15 (or 30) minutes. Often, the measurement interval is chosen to be longer at night.
The doctor refers to this as ABPM, which stands for "ambulatory blood pressure monitoring".

Long-term blood pressure monitoring is a method of examination that can be performed without any problems. However, it may disturb the sleep of some individuals. In such cases, sleep should be monitored if necessary to detect a lack of nighttime drop due to insufficient sleep.
Our tip: Sign up now for free and securely and conveniently record blood pressure values digitally. More information here: How it works.
- https://www.esanum.de/today/posts/neue-studie-bestaetigt-relevanz-der-langzeit-blutdruckmessung
- https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/krankheiten-symptome/herz-kreislauf-erkrankungen/bluthochdruck-risiken-erkennen-blutdruckwerte-senken-735399-mehrseiter-4-bluthochdruck-diagnose.html
- https://www.aerztezeitung.de/Medizin/Was-Patienten-waehrend-der-24-Stunden-Blutdruckmessung-tun-223894.html

The BloodPressureDB team has been known for its high expertise on the topic of high blood pressure on the German internet since 2009. The associated app is consulted daily by hundreds of thousands of users. All articles are extensively researched and created based on scientific facts. These facts are regularly checked and articles are updated to the latest standards.
Last update 12/2023
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