Data transfer to the doctor with GDT

GDT stands for Device Data Transfer. It is an interface to transfer data from a device to a doctor's practice information system. 

BloodPressureDB offers the possibility to retrieve data in this format. How the specific integration into the respective system takes place depends on that system. Data retrieval can occur on demand, automatically at certain times, or regularly. 

The data is returned when a specific address is called. Parameters can specify the patient and time period.


The function is available to customers with a premium membership.



The Tele-ID/SciTIM-ID of the BloodPressureDB user. This can be retrieved in the user account in the app. Until app version 7.1.10, this was called SciTIM-ID, afterwards Tele-ID.

The patient number that is written into the GDT file. This is the patient number within the local practice system and is used there for data assignment. If no entry is made, "TEST" will be used here.

The number of days for which data will be provided. Without specification, an evaluation over 7 days will occur. The maximum is 90 days.

The GDT-ID of the recipient. This is written as field 8315 if specified. The specification is optional.

Please note: The number of calls is limited for security reasons. Specifically, with an invalid Tele-ID/SciTIM-ID, there will be a hidden blocking of requests.


In addition to the output of individual values for blood pressure and pulse, there will also be an output of statistics. This includes the average value, a table with minimum, maximum, and median, as well as a statistic of the measurements distributed over the normal values. 


This assistant helps you create a link to retrieve BloodPressureDB data into your practice management system via the GDT interface.
The Tele-ID (formerly SciTIM-ID) is displayed in the BloodPressureDB app in the user account.
To assign the data to the correct patient in your PVS.
Optional and more for experts. This will be written as field 8315 if specified.
Generate GDT link for BloodPressureDB

Script for automatic data transfer

Here is a script that automatically loads the data of several patients. It is a Windows batch file. Through the task scheduler in Windows, the script can be executed automatically, e.g., daily or weekly. This way, you will automatically receive new data for your patients.
@echo off

REM Read configuration file
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('type blutdruckdaten.ini ^| findstr /b "Directory Days"') do set "%%a=%%b"

echo Directory: %Directory%
echo Days: %Days%

REM Read patients from configuration file
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('type blutdruckdaten.ini ^| findstr /b "^[0-9]"') do (
  echo %%a - %%b
     echo "Loading file for patient %%a (Tele-ID %%b)"
     curl -o "%Directory%\%%a.gdt" ""

echo Done.
The script reads the settings from a configuration file blutdruckdaten.ini. Here is an example:

First, the directory is specified where the data will be stored. This should be the import directory of the GDT interface of your PVS.
Days specifies the period as described above.

In [Patients], the patients are specified, where the first number is the patient number in your PVS. The second value is the Tele-ID at BloodPressureDB.

Important note: The script is intended for Windows 10 and higher. There, the command curl is available. In older Windows versions, curl must be installed manually.
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